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Das Gold im neuen Altgeist

2. El río Rin

El rojo cede al azul, y una figura de árbol se destaca contra el cielo amarillo. El azul y el amarillo crean el verde, que cubre los árboles, y el azul, amarillo, y rojo hacen el marrón, que da forma a las ramas del fresno del mundo, como a cada árbol de la tierra. Mientras los colores elementales separan y mezclan, las figuras mueven entre sus olas. 

Flooding of the Rhine


As the Rhine floods the plains, its waters threaten Walhalla, the city of the gods. The voices of the Rhine maidens rise with the waters, crying for the return of the gold that was stolen from the depths. The gods shudder at their cries, for the ring is the icon of their power. Should they lose it, they would be lost in darkness forever. 

Azul, rojo, y amarillo 


Así como emerge la hija del Rin de las profundas aguas azules, la tierra roja, y la luz dorada en la pintura La Tarde por el Rin, también emerge de los mismos elementos la vida de la naturaleza. Sin estos colores que la sustentan, la naturaleza está muerta e incapaz de brindar ni refugio ni paz ni consuelo. 

Five Hours Later


The scene seems peaceful and harmonious, as the deer stand quietly under the lush trees in the early morning light. To be one with nature in this idyllic place forever! Five hours later, hunger and thirst set in, and the heat is unbearable. Where is protection from these harsh forces? An air-conditioned car now seems inviting. Let nature suffer through the dreadful hours alone. 

Academy of Philosophy


“Okay, here she comes; be friendly and act normal.” She must suppress the feelings of abhorrence that well up inside her. Ever since her friend joined the academy of philosophy, she can hardly look her in the eye. What induces her to feel so strongly when so many people embrace the ideas that are taught there? Why not just drop the feelings that produce this human barrier and get along? It’s something in nature that she cannot control, something out there that binds her. She must let that go first—before she can be free. 

El ciclo terminará


Protégela y no la destroces. Ten lástima de ella y comprende. No exijas de ella que te exalte a la gloria. La senda no se colocó para honrarte a tí. El árbol no está verde sino por una temporada, y el arder rojo del sol sobre las rocas se pondrá. Algún día el ciclo terminará, y en su lugar imperará la oscuridad. 

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