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The Sound of the Tree through the Forms of the Veil

5.1 Loneliness


Darkness overcomes the outer light in the midst of day.  In the depth of night, the inner light wanes for want of oil.  


The fact that Christ was dead did not mean the possibility of the resurrection, but its impossibility; it was the void itself, it was the nihil negativum.  

 --D. Bonhoeffer, Creation and Fall


Even as the outer light reveals the veil’s designs, the veil remains a barrier before the inner dwelling.  Alone, the maiden faces the emptiness of a creation separated from its Creator.  Between her hands colors and forms come to be, perhaps like those behind the veil?  When in despair she drops them, only the veil of loneliness remains, looming  to overcome her there where her hands, now bound apart with Christ, once created.  


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